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For a phenomenon that occurs far more often than people realize, there is practically nothing out there to help explain the reason behind mysterious illnesses which have their origins with the dead and, most importantly, what to do about it. With the help of Kelly and Patty, I was finally able to get to the bottom of a multitude of physical problems that had been plaguing me for years. I highly recommend their help to anyone suffering from unknown causes."
"I am a mental health professional. While working with suicidal patients, I began having symptoms-hearing voices, sleep interruption, anxiety and panic. It felt like a spiritual battle. I sought religious and medical help to no avail. After our session, I am very pleased to say that I am not bothered at night anymore, the anxiety has left me and the voices are gone!
I just listened to the audio recording of my remote session. You are both excellent. The evening of the healing I was itching like crazy, really unusual for me. I was very agitated. It gradually went away over the next few hours. Then I slept better than I had in years.
My former fiance had the effect of strangling my life. He truly tormented me. I have not been well since we parted ways. As Patty said, lingering. Very unsettling and unhealthy.
The spirit swirling around me makes perfect sense. Since I was a child, I have sensed an uncomfortable presence. She finally exhausted me. I am sorry that we both had to endure this. I am happy that she has gone to the light.
The couple also makes sense, as I have always felt a bit misunderstood and judged. I knew something existed in my space, though it also made me feel insane.
I look forward to continuing with the newfound insights, clarity and peace. I also look forward to getting my physical body back into the shape it enjoys. It really has taken the brunt. Thank you for seeing that I am healthy, full of energy and a gentle soul. I have believed this to be true, though have doubted it severely this past while. This has been a strange odyssey. I am so grateful to both of you. This healing will help me immensely!
Thank you, Patty and Kelly. You are a marvelous team. I look forward to other work with you as my healing unfolds.
As a newlywed in good health and high spirits, I suddenly became very ill and was inexplicably diagnosed with Hepatitis C. My viral load had jumped dangerously to 400,000 parts per million (ppm), and the doctor recommended an immediate round of Interferon treatments. I avoided that and tried as many natural and holistic remedies and treatments as possible, including supplements, an electrolyte drink, daily prayer, diet change and breathwork, but I still felt sick. Although my efforts had brought my viral load down significantly, it was still high at 30,000, and the doctors still wanted to put me on Interferon.
Desperate and seeking a miracle, I tried four weekly Reiki treatments with Kelly, resulting in a drop in my Hepatitis C viral load from 30,000 to 2,722 ppm. The Reiki brought my levels down below the low-risk category (612 ppm is considered "cleared"). For the final push, I hired Patty and Kelly for a house and personal clearing. They did a thorough energetic clearing of my new home, built Circa 1900, in which we discovered several confused and tormented spirits.
The house clearing is an amazing story in itself, but, more importantly, they found the spirit of my deceased younger sister "attached" to me. She had died of Hepatitis C, under tragic circumstances, thirteen years prior to my becoming ill, and we’d had had no opportunity for closure, no family healing. My sister and I were offered an opportunity to communicate and have closure before she was gently guided into the Light. When Patty channeled my sister, I knew it was really her. After the clearing, my symptoms dropped off significantly, and the next test showed me “cleared” of Hepatitis C.
I am very grateful that I found Patty and Kelly. I really thought I might die.
Hi Patty, Hi Kelly! Thank you and bless you BOTH for your efforts, you BOTH are ABSOLUTE ANGELS!
Patty, you suggested that I pause the recording and allow the emotions to manifest themselves...well I am doing that right now. And the tears are rolling!
As you finished helping to clear my chain-gang friends, something very strange happened to me. I was VIVIDLY transported (in my mind/soul-memory) back to rural Georgia, USA during the Civil War. By the way there was NOTHING CIVIL about that war, or ANY other war, for that matter!!
I and what was left of my men had been captured by Yankee forces. I have ALWAYS been a leader, and in THIS life time, I was a Captain in the Confederacy. You are EXACTLY right, there were 8 of us chained and seven other men. Not only was I the only officer, I was also the tallest of all the men. They ALL died and I survived.
Something VERY important to me: You were reluctant to convey the "horrific" details of the scene(s) you were observing, but I NEED to KNOW what you saw, for personal reasons. Please be thorough. It will be okay, I just need to know...also, please see if you can find out MY NAME, and ANY of my men's names. My guess is that three of them are my present day sons and one is a present day brother.
Dear Patty and Kelly, thank you.
There are tears of relief and awe in my eyes after listening to the session. I feel understood, seen, and held safely in a way that I have been longing to experience all of my life.
You were on target with everything. The pressure of the weight of the man on me is a memory from this life's childhood, and it did destroy some part of me and suffocate me in a way. I am not a fearful person, yet I will say that the thought of suffocation terrifies me Anything that interferes with my breathing creates anxiety, even watching a movie where someone has his mouth taped or gagged is uncomfortable, as is the foam of toothpaste in my mouth, or a passionate kiss.
Your identification of the tar in my second chakra answers so much about menstrual problems and the cervical cancer I was diagnosed with in my early 20s. I guess the symptoms were removed with alternative healing at the time, but not the tar. Moving through thick, soft tar is how I describe the way I feel and my mobility most of the time.
I could go on and on with how amazed I am with your insight.
In 2009-10, I received two distance healings from Patty French and Kelly Ray. All my life, I have had physical health issues, claustrophobia, a suppressed immune system, severe food allergies, digestive ailments, and feelings of depression and abandonment. I noticed significant improvements after both sessions.
We discovered and cleared childhood PTSD from a nightmarish tonsillectomy in which ether was used, and an experience of accidentally getting locked in an animal cage. When triggered, these memories caused me panic and difficulty breathing. In both sessions I felt a burden lifted. Patty and Kelly provided meditation exercises and suggestions for strengthening the energy fields. Daily practice of those made a significant difference in my health.
I believe when we are ready, we draw to us the tools, teachers, healers, and students that we are to work with. I highly recommend Patty French and Kelly Ray for energy clearing, Reiki and related healing support.
A "psychic" told me that because of something very bad that happened to me long ago, my aura became completely closed. She said it's invisible and that it can make people react badly to me. The "bad thing" was sexual assault -- your intuition was completely accurate. You've given me hope. I can't thank you enough for that.
You make perfect sense -- my second chakra was ripped open when I was a child, and I think it was like a beacon to every predator whose path I crossed. I grew up thinking I was completely evil. I have never been able to come to terms with the fact that there were numerous incidents, unrelated to each other, in which I was violated. From the age of three and into my adulthood.
After reading your feedback, I realize that I've carried all of that with me. And it has led to physical illness in the form of severely painful endometriosis. And I can feel terrible cords holding me to dangerous people. And you are so right -- I need to let all the rage go... because under my surface I am being eaten alive by a suppressed rage. And it's only hurting *me* instead of them. And if I hurt them, then I'm only damaging my own karma.
I'm kind of blown away right now, sitting here stunned and letting it all sink in. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face -- because all of this is just so incredible.
You have done something so truly wonderful. I mean, how much longer would I have suffered with all of this if I hadn't reached out and opened up to you?
When I came to a group encounter with Patty and Kelly in 2004, my left arm and leg had been paralyzed for five years from a stroke. I could walk very slowly with a cane, had very poor balance, my arm was not usable, and I did not expect improvement of that. I had come for spiritual growth, to learn some meditation exercises, and experience their unique healing partnership. Needless to say, when I regained nearly 100% use of my limbs after only one session, I was stunned. Friends were amazed! I was gesturing again! I could drive with both hands! I could take the stairs without help! The healing was dramatic and permanent, and I am profoundly grateful."
Immediately after the session was over, I felt more energy than I had in years. The overlay of the "old lady" accurately describes the fatigue, fibromyalgia and myriad other symptoms I have been suffering from for years. I could actually tell when you removed her from my energy field. I felt better immediately. I feel so blessed that I have you as allies, as I work on deeply personal and painful issues that have plagued me for my entire life. Blessings to you both!
"You are both excellent. The evening of the healing, I slept better than I had in years. This healing will help me immensely! I look forward to continuing with the newfound insights, clarity and peace. Thank you for seeing that I am healthy, full of energy and a gentle soul. I have believed this to be true, though have doubted it severely this past while. I am so grateful to both of you."
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